One of the most ubiquitous myths circulating through the Christian community is the success doctrine. Many of the most popular Christian speakers are perpetuating it and we are quickly approaching a point of no return regarding it. What seems so credible, that God wants every Christian rich or successful or free of life-long encumbrances is in fact not just a shaky proposition, it is antithetical to the normal Christian experience.
Is the success gospel a gospel at all if it pushes us away from godliness and true dependence on God? The successful people mentioned in the New Testament are either despised for their arrogance and pride or revered for what they gave away. Zacchaeus, Barnabas and the women who supported Jesus’ ministry were all wealthy but are honored for their release of their riches rather than for their attainment of them. The Rich Young ruler was not lauded for his success; he was pitied for his unwillingness to be rid of what he had. King Herod was despised for priding himself in the acclaim he won and in fact suffered miserably in the end because of it. Success is not an end and often not even a means within the economy of heaven. If God keeps us from it, we are blessed; if He gives it to us, we are only as good as our willingness to part with it for Christ’s sake. Nothing ruins as terribly as wealth; nothing purifies as completely as poverty. Above all though is the love of God and the hunger after righteousness for then you will be filled. Even wine has its limits. Once you are drunk, where do you go from there? It is the same with success.