Last night Noah had a Little League game and he had been slumping pretty badly. He was striking out and seemed to be drooping a bit. Last night he had his second straight game getting two doubles in three at bats. He scored three times and it was his hit that started the winning rally for his team. As we were getting into the car, Noah told me what he thinks turned things around for him. At the beginning of the season he was hitting pretty well and he said he had been praying whenever he came up to bat. But in the middle of the season, he stopped praying. He was, he told me, "too proud". The last two games though he started praying again. That, Noah insisted, was why he was doing better. It is pretty funny but just before the game, Noah got a pretty noticable haircut. I heard one of the coaches tease Noah about his haircut being the key to his success. Noah sees it a bit differently!
"Ask and you'll get,
Seek and you'll find,
Knock and the door will open." Luke 11:9
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