Undisturbed or Undetermined
Have we got anything to look forward to today? Are we satisfied with the way things are going to such a degree that it would be perturbing if God said “do this” or “do that” all of a sudden? Could we bounce out of our plans or are we too settled for God to blow them apart and not come unglued ourselves? What would we give to have things go smoothly right now? Is there something we can’t see torn asunder? Have we a freedom of the Spirit that leaves us empty of self-will and determination? God is not interested in us becoming the best we can be or making our days uncomplicated and settled. He is righting the ship that has been broken completely by the storms of sin we have leveled against it. We are undone and don’t realize it because we are too far invested in ourselves and how we want things to go. God’s will for us is to kill off our will so that we can be one with Him and free of the tangled weeds of sin choking our life. He must break up our day and shatter our plans for us to give in to Him and let Him become our all in all. The sacredness of the day is not found in what we accomplish or set out to accomplish but rather in our complete trust in Christ to make of it as He will. That does not mean passively sitting back in a mess of meaningless activities but rather drawing near to the Holy Spirit in each and every part of the day. It is not Christian to realize your dreams. It is Christian to die to the will to sin and become so in love with Jesus that nothing He makes of our moment is cursed and everything we want is undisturbed by a love of the world. Find a moment to love Christ without conditions. Let this day be His.
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