It is sheer lunacy to think you are not inhibited by the spirit of this age. You are stopped short at nearly every turn by some good or respectable option...a way that seems reasonable and even right. But it is not what God has told you to do just then and so you drift off imperceptibly from the straight and narrow way. And when you do, you lose the quiet voice...or at least you lose track of it. God will not beat you back in place, He will let you drift until it becomes nearly unbearable, this loss of His still, sweet nearness. It is not some dramatic falling off the wagon that will hurt you most, it is the terrible indifference to the burning flame of the consuming Holy Spirit. The soul that is not being scorched and seared by God is slowly growing cold and weary. Only the determined return to the last word from God will catch your heart aflame again in the passionate fires of your loving Lord. Again, take hold of God in His Word and you will find yourself flowing once more with the Joy of your Salvation. "The fire and wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Genesis 22:7 NIV
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