Prayer As It Comes
Our problem in praying is not that we don't know how to pray. Even the atheist knows intuitively how to pray. Our problem is we don't know what to do about our praying. We misunderstand the interaction. We never pray because we decided to pray, we do so because God wooed us into prayer. The point of praying, even if it is for our daughter suffering from leukemia is to eventually hear from God Himself. It is pointless just jabbering; we are there for God to interact with us at the most critical level. Being born again is more profound than we guess. It is transformation and that transformation includes being able to hear God. Never stop praying because you didn't get what you wanted. That is the place where you most need to pray; more than any object, you need God soaking every part of you and that will not happen with just a God list checked off and granted. And as he was praying, heaven was opened... Luke 3:21 NIV
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