The sensible Christian is a bit of an oxymoron in the Kingdom of God. You will not be of much use to Jesus Christ by taking things sensibly. There is nothing sensible about being crucified with Christ, nothing sensible about leaving one's fishing boats and tax booths and following after a King who has no place to lay His head. The sensible Christian cannot forgive his neighbor and will not give his last dime to God. The sensible Christian has no time for the bleeding woman who touched the hem of Christ's garment or the quitter John Mark. Jesus Christ did not accept the beams of Pontius Pilate because it was sensible; He did so because the Father wanted it done. There is nothing so absurd as the Christian who says he won't while staring into the face of a Scripture that says he must. Caution is fine if you never want to walk on water or dismantle Jericho. No one who is sensible goes the extra mile or gives his cloak when only a friendly handshake will do. The Kingdom of God is not made of sensible people but rather of those who are so feverishly loyal to Christ that they will stop at nothing to please Him. ...but even if I am being poured out like a drink offering...I am glad... Philippians 2:17
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