Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Atheist Question

There is a crucial question that must be asked, even by those who do not consider themselves great thinkers.  It is more pertinent than any other philisophical debate...perhaps even the mother of all discussion points.  Fundamental to every activity and priority we make much of is this one question.  Before we can even debate who God is, what He is like and whether or not He exists, we have another, more basic question.  Which is eternal, God or matter/energy?  The further we descend into the tiniest parts, the closer we come to this one question.  Everything flows from something.  Regardless of how big or small it may be, the parts are from something always.  There is not an instance of somethingness emerging from nothingness...there is always a building block of some sort.  The point is, something must have always existed...whether it be God or matter/energy.  Existance does not spring from nonexistance.  So there you have it.  Either God created matter or matter formed God and one must have always been...or else neither could be.  The pagan Greeks started with matter, the polytheistic Egyptians did too, Buddhism waffles on the question.  Christianity says God is the start of all and He alone is eternal.  If God is the eternal, then everything of life revolves around Him and His life.  If matter is eternal, then nothing matters for all that is has the spin of randomness to it that cannot be stopped.  Love, hate, creativity and friendship are just concotions of a chemical soup that has no purpose.  But if God is eternal, then love and hate and right and wrong and care and concern all mean something and have purpose.  You ask the question.  Not which came first but rather which has always been.  Matter/Energy or God.  One must start with a capital letter!

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