Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Certainty of Doing

There are countless matters in our life with God that we do not understand and mostly it is because we have not done the one thing He has told us to do.  We hem and haw, complain about the difficulty, ignore it and pretend like it was never there but it was there and until we do the thing, we will never get any closer to God.  We might sound spiritual to everyone else, seem to be religious in all the public ways but at our core, we will know that we are mostly faking it.  We have not actually heard from the Lord in any tangible way and it makes us bitter, depressed even.  We become tightly wound, like a screw that has been turned one too many times.  We flinch at the point of real love, curse under our breath the troubles we face and get perturbed by the frustrating people we have in our life.  All the while, it is the one thing that we have rejected that keeps us from knowing the joy and peace of Christ at the points of certain supernatural contact.  The Holy Spirit waits for us to bend our will to that of Christ and we don't and so He waits longer.  He frustrates us to get us to turn and we won't, all the while blaming everything and everyone but ourselves for the dryness of our spirit.  The promise that out of Christ will spring gushes of Living Water is not fluff...it is what actually happens when we turn to Him for help.  Moses could not "get on" with his life until he marched down to Egypt and met his pharaoh and Hebrew family.  Jacob could not "get on" with his life until he returned to the land of his fathers and settled matters with his brother.  Peter could not "get on" with his life until he walked away from his fishing business.  You can not "get on" with your life until you take heed to the last matter you had before you when you faced God squarely.  No one can help you adjust your life to God but you.  He will not push you along, give you a bolt of nerve or take matters into His own hands and absolve you of your duty.  You must get up, get out of bed and push yourself.  It is only then that the Lord will energize your determination and heal your woundedness so that you will be fit to handle what is before you.  God's will is never confounded; your will in Him can be though if you wait too long.  We are to take matters into our own hands only in this one place; to do what the Lord tells us to do in the strength He gives us.  Keep your mind fresh and alert to all the ways the Savior meets you and many will drink from the living water spilling out of you at every turn where the Holy Spirit brings you.

Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."   John 7:38 NIV

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