Saturday, January 2, 2016


Have you considered the possibility that, like Abram, God is about to take you to a "new country", one that will establish your legacy with Him?  Are you willing to go off on a Godventure that could be the end of the old you?  When God told Abram to go, he gave him no information about the Godventure except what he would be in the end!  It was "go" and then "here is your legacy".  All the between parts were blank pages.  Where he would stop on day twenty-nine, what he would do in year ten, how his wife would react to month forty-three were all dark as night to him and they will be for you too.  The Lord will not give you a word in advance about the troubles you will face on your Godventure nor your triumphs along the way.  He will though tell you, "I will be with you!"  There were perhaps plenty of other believers in Ur when Abram was sent away...maybe even hundreds of them but none of them gained the legacy with God Abram acquired when at seventy-five that one particular old man believer left on his Godventure.  Perhaps it seems too late in life for God to make something new of you.  Maybe you feel inadequate for the task, not prepared for your Godventure.  The Lord did not give Abram wiggle room to assess His skill sets or resources.  He simply presented the Godventure and told him what he would be when it was all done.  Faith is not a tool in your spiritual bag of tricks; it is your reaction to God sending you.    God will not push you down the hill to get you going.   He will wait for you to take that step forward but when you do take that first step, He will begin to give you a supernatural burst of power you had not felt before you went with Him on this new way of His.  There was no hesitation in Abram when the call came to him to leave and there mustn't be any in you either.  The longer you muddle through your apprehensions, the harder it will be to finally pick up and go when you finally do go and the journey will have unnecessary trials and troubles that you would not have had to face if God didn’t need to rebuild in you the faith you had before you doubted.

Then the Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you.  I will make you a great nation and will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  Genesis 12: 1-2 NIV

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