Thursday, August 3, 2017

Getting it Done

The rise of civilization came through the murderous line of Cain.  It was his descendants who gave themselves to the arts, tool-making and warfare.  Cain was the inspiration behind the first recorded example of honor killing.  Organized ranching and farming was developed by the line of Cain as were the proliferation of cities.  The world order began with one man's determination to do away with his chief rival and create a monopoly for himself.  The line of Seth out of which came Noah and his family, was known for a solitary accomplishment.  One from their number, "walked with God".    If you assess all that has been accomplished since Adam sinned and transformed the course of human history, you must decide how to properly evaluate everything that has taken place.  Does it look more like it came from Cain or Abel?  Are your accomplishments along the lines of Seth or his older brother Cain?  What we decide is "getting things done" may rather be the unraveling of our Lord's agenda.  It is strange to think that the impoverished widow who gave her few pennies to the offering accomplished far more than Herod who led the reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem.  What we call civilization may be nothing of the sort.  Whether we consider the construction of Babel or Solomon's great palace, it seems that civilized thinking rarely generates a civilized heart.  Start with your mind on Christ and do whatever you can to keep it on Him throughout your day.  Then, whatever you do,  work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men... (Colossians 3:23 NIV)

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