Personal or Individual
An individual has no accountability to anyone. He does as he pleases when he wants. The person has merged with the personhood of God and lives within the personality of God. There is no other way to know God than to live within Him; for His nature to come into your nature and transform yours. Otherwise you merely know about God as rumors and individualized ideas. We are more likely to fight for our individualization than give way to the transformation of Christ in us. Sarah could never have gone with Abraham up the mountain to take her son Isaac onto the altar. She had not yet shown any sign that God's will was becoming hers. She was happy to receive His gift but not so prepared to take His nature. We sigh at the prospect of being transformed by the Spirit of God not because we don't like the idea of it but because we dread the actuality of it. In real life as you stand before the stove and while you pull out your notes to study or as you meet with your supervisor, the Spirit of God will rise up and make His will certain to you and it is then that you decide for your individuality or your personality. There is no room for God in your individuality but all the space you need in your personality. Knowing God comes the moment you bend your will into God's and give Him full sway over your circumstance at the moment. Something will need to be placed on the altar...a desire, a grudge, a discontentment, an achievement, a visionary attainment...but it must be given up on the spot or you will stumble off on your own and gain nothing but the delusion of self-hood. Hell is not the cadre of the like-minded; it is the stuffing together of individuals who can never be together at any level any longer. Both Abraham and Isaac found at the same moment their union with God. Just imagine the love that swept over them as they made their way back home together. An individual, caught up in what he will and will not do can never know this wild and consumptive love; he is left only to talk about it.
I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. Philippians 3:8 NIV
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