The New Year Resolution...Biblical?
Try as you may, you will be hard-pressed to find a single man or woman of God in Scripture making New Year's Resolutions or goal setting. They attempted the impossible but not as some long term plan. Perhaps Solomon alone would be classified as a goal setter but this flowed more out of his love of the world order than any developed affinity for God. Jesus had one goal in mind and it began before birth--go to the Cross and die there. This is a far cry from the goals and resolutions we hear bandied about in Christian circles and meetings. Ask a Christian worker or church attender what his or her goals may be and they will never sound like what Jesus settled upon as His clear direction. If anything, the normal way of Christ was simple day-by-day dependence upon the Father to guide you in what He had where He was. Jesus stayed in a town until the Father directed Him away from it, healed those the Father brought Him and taught whoever He was given at the moment. He didn't set goals for attendance at His Sermon on the Mount and made no resolution to quit drinking or cut down on His calories. He remained so close to the Father that He just did as He was directed and trusted in the process of Life working within Him. Nothing frustrates the will of God more than the determination of a Christian to accomplish his set goals without regard for the still small voice entering His world in real time. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 NIV
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