Untested Gifts
Be careful of the gift that seems so timely and needed. Hagar probably was given to Sarai during her sojourn in Egypt and that gift became a terrible snare for Sarai and Abram. Hagar eventually was the out for each of them as they frantically searched for a way to make God's promise of a child come true. Rather than trusting solidly in the Lord Himself, they took the gift of Pharaoh as the solution to the difficulty they faced. Later Abram proved his growing awareness that not every gift should be accepted willy-nilly by rejecting the offer of wealth from the king of Sodom. But in Egypt, with his mind clouded by the affluence surrounding him, Abram saw nothing wrong with gathering everything offered him there including the lovely maiden Hagar. It can seem like such a minor issue, taking this, accepting that and yet there may never have been a more haunting image for Abram all his days than the moment he turned his back on Sarai (albeit at her demand) and fathered the son Ishmael with Hagar. We must be suspicious of what we mark as a blessing and what we decide is a curse. The wounds of God are sweeter and more lovely than the poisoned presents of Satan and it takes discernment to know what you have in your hand at any given moment. A job offer, an open door, an opportunity for change may not come from who you think. Be careful about the gifts you accept and the difficulties you reject. Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward. Genesis 15: 1 NIV
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