Thursday, January 23, 2014

How Do You Assess Your Day?

If we give in to the corrosive habit of whining, the very point for which we are made is lost.  The image of God is not latent;  in Christ it is front and center.  From every pore seeps Christ and His nature and as you live out the day God has given you, something miraculous happens; God in flesh is realized, or better, discovered.  You are where you are because God has placed you there with no other task than for Jesus Christ to live through you and flow out from you.  You can snap at  your husband or complain about your boss, gripe about your friend or grit your teeth over your salary but what you have really done is dam off the spill of grace from your response line.  What could have been a sparkling ray of light became a shadow and God was kept at bay by your refusal to be crucified with Christ right then.  The greatest saint is not the one drawing the biggest crowd, it is the one so hidden by Christ that all that is seen is God head to toe.  The artistry of Jesus is blighted the moment we cannot see God in our plight and that critical brushstroke is never reworked.  The Lord won't impose His will upon you for then all that will be manifested is the forgery, a charlatan's trickery.   It is you who must choose to believe the Lord has done good with you now and then and only then Christ will spring forth from you like the brightest dawn.  The most important work you have is to believe God is in each spot in your life and trust His judgment and care for you as you go about your business.  Satan is not your greatest foe; your unbelief is and that must be squeezed out of you daily as you look for God at every corner and turn and trust Him to make all things good that come your way.
...but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.  Isaiah 60:2-3 NIV

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