Thursday, January 30, 2014

Timed Responses

No part of any day is as big as the present moment.  Unlike the Lord who can live within each moment equally, we can only live perfectly within the present time, the past is a shadow, the future a misty guess.  Faith is never worked out of either the past or the future but just now.  How do fear and bitterness and discouragement and consternations arise...they filter out of the mind going back or moving ahead.  It is within this time only that you can see clearly the loving care of Christ poured out  upon all you hold dear because it is now that you assess through the eyes of faith and see the hand of God working here and there.  Both the past and the future are easily smeared by the wasting of Satan; God will keep your present pristine as you look to Him  and work through Him. You have the thousand regrets of the past and the ten thousand dreams and nightmares of the future but the present is the one spot where you can see everything as it is and give up everything haunting and grasping and hold only to the love of Christ working through you.  Ask, seek and knock are of neither the past nor the future but contained just within the present and it is in the present that you will have joy and peace.  Look to the Lord with the gaze of a sailor scanning the horizon for any sign of land.  You have waited a long time for some things, dread the coming of others.  Dreary memories dismay you, past achievements bind you.  It is in this place and time that the Lord will make you totally free to have joy and contentment.  Go hopefully and serenely to the Lord now and give this and that to Him as it comes before you.  Ask.  Seek. Knock.  That is the stuff you are to be about now.  Ask.  Seek.   Knock.  The Christian is perfectly within Gods will the moment He knocks for God to open,  seeks the Lord to be there,  asks His Savior to save him.   Give way to fear, despair, anger or frustration and you have left the moment and hidden yourself in either the past or the future.    When you realize you are stuck in that closet, get out as soon as you can and in a flash, the Lord will make your day clear and light.

Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, "We have seen remarkable things today."   Luke 5:26 NIV

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