Wednesday, July 8, 2015

How Are You Doing Your Calculations?

Our time is one of great interest in supernatural activity and powers.  And yet we explore it not as Columbus or Magellan did looking for something actual and determinable but as creators who let our imaginings do all the work of it.  We are entertained by thoughts of the supernatural but we don't take it seriously.   Jesus on the other hand lived within the reality of unseen forces and personalities and He both attacked and allied Himself with them.  Demons He cast out of people and angels He let serve and nourish Him.  At one time we treated the atom as a straight forward and quite logical entity until we discovered the wild unpredictability of electrons and subatomic particles.  When will we face facts?  Our personalities are far more complex and unreliable than the field of psychology can reckon because there are unseen forces and beings that wreak havoc upon us and interject themselves in every nook and cranny of our lives.  Paul spoke of doing things without predictability or self-control and we should give this credence too, not because the seen world is so at variance with logical outcomes but because the unseen world is far more vast and influential than we grasp.  How often has our Lord told us to pray?  Do we take at all seriously this grave command?  Do we realize how critical prayer is to us and to all those who surround us?  Jesus did not quiver over the unseen world but He didn't calculate without taking it into account either.  He showed us how to respond to supernatural surroundings and it was the simplest of all strategies.  Pray.  Pray for direction.  Pray for help.  Pray for protection.  Pray for eyes to see what is beyond the senses.  Pray for reactions that can handle the split second changes in direction caused by supernatural forces, both demonic and angelic, that impose their wills upon our circumstances.  If it is not warfare at the highest levels, do you think Jesus would have agonized as He did in the Garden of Gethsemane?

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Ephesians 6: 12 NIV

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