Monday, August 1, 2016

Theological Christianity

There is nothing "philosophical" about Christianity.  It is not even theological unless your theology results in Godly living.  Jesus did not command us to "think" about what He said but to do what He said.  The chief criticism of Christianity, and there is validity to it, is that its advocates don't look very much like the picture the Bible presents of a Christian.  The only way we can actually live out Christianity on a daily basis is if we have the Holy Spirit working in us and out of us.  There are certain people that are impossible for us to love, certain lusts we cannot control and decisions to make that we are unable to adequately process.  The Christian, who does not walk in the Spirit, will make a mess of her Christianity.  It will be a continual headache; trying to do what one does not have the capacity nor real determination to do.  The reach of the Christian always falls far short of his intention if the Holy Spirit is not fully active in Him.  We must invite the Holy Spirit to take authority over our lives and let Him decide for us what we will do or not do.  This demands an act of the will.  We consciously tell our Lord that He is in charge of us and that we want Him to have rule over our lives.  When that happens, God will begin to test your resolve.  You will face a difficult decision, Satan will tempt you to ease up on your determination to follow the Lord, and you will have to "get into the water".  It could be that the Holy Spirit will demand you back down from an argument or act kindly toward someone who has betrayed you or go visit someone who is prickly but needs a friend.   It may be that the Holy Spirit will call for you to talk about Jesus with someone you just met or give far more than you ever have as an offering.  It will be out there for you, this call of God to obey and you will either grieve the Holy Spirit and push Him out of your consciousness for a time or you will bless God and gain greater access to His work in you.  The joyful Christian is not the one who has all the irksome difficulties plucked out of her schedule; the joyful Christian is the one who truly walks in the Holy Spirit and can with great hope and patience face whatever Satan throws at her without turning aside from how God is leading at the moment.

Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.  Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.    Ephesians 5:15-18 NIV

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