Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am unabashedly beside myself with joy that we have a Savior who loves so much and pours out life. I think it is beyond comprehension that God cares a whit about us and takes even the least interest in what we are. The entire concern over whether or not God exists is such a fragmented and juvenile mental tottering that sometimes it bewilders me that anyone doubts God's existence. So much proof of Him has come my way over the years that atheism could never ever confound me. But I do at times wonder why He does what He does with me and what on earth His plans can be that are so important that I must be bent over by His "furious" wind. As I look upon the dreams God has for Calista and His miraculous bringing of her parents together, it astounds me how everything is put in place by God and His perfect will. None of us would be here if it were not for His miracle of bringing two people together in union...two people who never could have thought of each other if God had not inched them into one another's arms. Marriage will survive just as babies and baby making survive because God loves all three!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For updates on Calista you can go to isabelleupdates.blogspot.com