Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What Was I Thinking?

Could it be that…

We might run out of the world’s supply of mud after this election?

Vladimir Putin thought that by invading Georgia, he might make it a ‘blue” state?

The DNC owns the movie rights to “Gustav, The Mother of All Storms”?

Katie Couric will force Sarah Palin to admit, “I Am Barack Obama’s Father”

Evangelical moose hunters are an endangered species?

MSNBC is organizing a P Diddy Combs telethon to help him with the high cost of jet fuel?

God is wondering about Michael Moore?

You are only old if you are 72 but at 68 you still are in your prime?

Madonna was originally slated to play the part of Napoleon Dynamite but MTV decided no one would believe anybody could be so vacuous? (Of course Madonna thought it a compliment)

The debates will solve our national fuel crisis if T. Boone Pickens is right?

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