Monday, June 17, 2019

About Men

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NIV
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.

What Makes a Man “Manly”?

There is a fascinating case study presented in the Old Testament that is generally overlooked by most readers of the Bible.  Before the nation of Israel had a king, there were a variety of regional leaders, called judges, who helped guide the people and unify them in times of national crisis.  There was a prophetess named Deborah who was looked to for insight in settling disputes and she was greatly respected by the people of the region of Ephraim.  She sent for Barak of Naphtali to come and lead the local army against a coalition of Canaanites who had been cruelly oppressing the Israelites for twenty years.  She told him, "The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: 'Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead the way to Mount Tabor.  I will lure Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, with his chariots and his troops to the Kishon River and give him into your hands.'" (Judges 4:6-7 NIV)  Barak’s reply was not what you would call heroic.  Barak said to her, "If you go with me, I will go; but if you don't go with me, I won't go." (Judges 4:8 NIV)  Deborah was clearly taken aback and it seems clear she did not think Barak to be particularly manly.  "Very well," Deborah said, "I will go with you. But because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman." (Judges 4:9 NIV)  In other words, a woman will be a better man than you!  Not exactly a politically correct way of looking at this but certainly the way such cowardice in men was viewed three thousand years ago.  Men were supposed to fight for their towns and the women and children, not the women fight in their place.

One of the difficulties inherent in exploring what the Bible has to say about what men are to be like is that much of the time “men” is used in a generic way and really means “people”.  It is hard sometimes to know if certain passages are really about men or more addressing both men and women.  There are a few times though that the Bible specifically addresses men and just men.  In Colossians 3: 19 married men are told,
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.  Literally it is, “Men, love the women…”  Of course context tells us that it is talking about husbands and wives and speaks of the marital relationship.  Men are commanded by God to love their wives no matter what and not let any disagreement make the marriage lose its atmosphere of love…at least not as far as the husband is concerned.  Later Fathers are told to be certain to not make their children miserable in how they raise them.  Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged. (Colossians 3:21NIV)  There is no such command to mothers in the passage.  Clearly this is something that God sees as a critical concern.  Fathers are prone or at least have a propensity to exasperate and frustrate their children.  Perhaps it is because fathers are not always patient with their kids or maybe it’s because men tend to expect too much of their children.  We do know and we have seen this for generations and generations, if there is a parent not on speaking terms with the children, it is far more likely to be the father than the mother.  We men can be too hard on our kids and the Bible warns men to be careful and commands fathers not to demand perfection of their children and not belittle them when they don’t live up to their expectations.

There are two verses that deal specifically with men and are not tied just to the family.  The first is multi-faceted.  Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. Do everything in love.  (1 Corinthians16:13-14 NIV)  What is translated here, “be men of courage” is literally, “be manly”.    The four parts to this or if you like, the four points of manhood are pretty simple.  1.  Be vigilant; be awake; be attentive.  Don’t let the devil catch you off-guard, realize when you are being tempted.  Pay attention to what God is doing.  Know when He is speaking to you and recognize what is of God and what is of Satan.  2.  Stand firm in the faith.  This is much different than just standing firm.  Sometimes men play the fool by being stubborn.  “Oh, I don’t need to look at the directions!”  “It’s my way or the highway!”  This is not a command to always getting your way and if you don’t, pouting or throwing a tantrum.  God wants men to make the Bible their roadmap for life and not drift from it because it makes you or someone else uncomfortable.  Don’t be a spiritual wimp.  Stand for what is right and don’t be swayed by what is wrong.   3. Be strong.  Literally it is a command to keep growing strong.  Be a powerful force for good…for God’s good.  Take hold of the power you have with the Spirit in you and make the world better because you work hard at it.  Fight evil.  Take the devil’s strongholds by storm.  Do not let any addiction or unholy habit have control over you because you are a man with Christ living in you.  4.  Do everything in love.  Or literally, “in love do all your things.”  We men struggle to behave loving.  We can think loving and we can profess loving but to do loving is sometimes a great pitfall for us.  It is no accident that God makes love action a critical point of emphasis for men.  The Bible tells us that if we don’t act in loving ways, we are just a loud and obnoxious man.  Love is the hallmark of a man of God.  Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.  (1 John 4:7-8 NIV)

There is one more verse to consider as you and I close this discussion on manhood.  I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.  (1 Timothy 2:8 NIV)  I heard someone recently argue that it is men who are almost always the ones shooting up malls and workplaces and that it is men who commit the most violent crimes and she is right.  The first known sin after the one committed by Adam and Eve was the flaming rage of Cain against his brother that ended in murder.  We must face this fact about men.  Many men have a tough time with anger and struggle to keep their temper.   God says that His men must become great at praying and get rid of that temper that leads to anger and arguing.  We have all heard of churches splitting apart and collapsing in a heap because of angry arguments.  For men in particular, anger is a warning light and arguments are a siren that you aren’t praying enough.  You do not get angry because someone treated you badly or someone is rude or you have been offended.  You get mad because you do not pray enough to make you into God’s sort of man.  I hear men cursing about things and you do too and it is not a sign of male toughness; it is a sure sign that there is no real strength or backbone in that man.  Men are not made to get their way.  Men are made to pray and always…always…God gets His way.  It is then that the world becomes a better place because men of prayer walked upon it. 

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